Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): no fire on lawnmower engine, emery cloth, fly wheel
QuestionI have a Yardman push mower with a Tecumseh engine...model - 11A-573E452 1699466.....serial - 1A163I20539 001......LEV80-120
I am not getting any fire to the spark plug. I have changed the spark plug, I replaced the coil(ignition module)and have removed the rust from the magnets with emery cloth on the flywheel. After doing all the above I tried to start the mower but it did not seem to fire. I then used a spark tester to ck for fire but there was none. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Thank You
AnswerTerry, have you tried it with the small wire off the coil , this wire is for any safety devices. Any safety devices not operating properly ground that wire out and stops the coil from sparking. Make sure it's gap to the flywheel is correct, using a business card as a gauge. If still no spark then I would change the fly wheel. Sometimes the magnets lose a little bit of there charge not allowing the coil to build it's voltage to release to the spark plug. I have only seen a few go bad, but the system is very basic with just a few components. Seems I only see one go bad about every few years , but they do go bad, the last one drove me crazy till I changed it out, after changing 3 coils on it, I never expected the flywheel. After we removed it we could see a lack of magnetic charge when compared to the replacement, but it is very minor of a change......Tom