Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Onan CCKA Fire damage, replacement parts

Engine:  Onan CCKA-MS/2803J   Ser.# J770272460  16.5 Hp.
        Installed in a Case 646 tractor.
Problem: Engine caught fire after fuel line rupture which was connected to an aftermarket electric fuel pump. Water in carburetor and exhaust from Fire Dept extinguishing fire. (emptied a big CO2 extinguisher but could not put out the fire)
I removed the carb and the heads and flushed with WD-40.  All the aprts of the engine now move freely.
1.   What do you recommend I do before putting the engine back together?
2.   It appears the mechanical fuel pump has been removed. Should I try to find a mechanical pump and replace it or should I replace the electric pump.  The current pump is an old style AC automotive pump.  A low pressure electric pump may be an more appropriate replacment.
3.   I am unable to find replacement parts for this engine.  Do you have a source for replacement parts such as gaskets, etc ?    If  I cannot get OEM  or aftermarket parts, what is a reliable substitute for the gaskets ?  It has been suggested that a reliable substitute would be a homemade gasket cut from Victor Reinz gasket sheet and a Permatex seal.
3.    I purchased some used parts (coil wires, stator etc. on EBAY I have been unable to find a Rectifier/Regulator (WICO by Prestolite Co. Model X17961   U.S. Pat. # 3.341.763)  Onan has a repair kit (whatever that consists of for $700.00)  Is there a substitute for that part ?  Can Generic/universal parts be combined to make a voltage regulator (12 volt)  and rectifier (AC to DC 12 volt)
4.   This engine and machine ran well before the fire.
5.   I am not a mechanic.
6.   Thank you for any advice. Kindly e mail or telephone.

Dick D.
[email protected]

and was asked on 08/03/2008

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Hi Dick,

Fist off WD-40 is not a good engine lubricant.  Before you put engine back together I would suggest that you clean off the WD-40 or else it will become tacky (sticky).  As for replacement of the fuel pump I would not recommend using any parts that are not specified by the engine manufacturer.  Check with you local small engine shop.

Ignition systems are engineered to function at optimum efficiency with components that are designed specifically for that machine, and they should never be changed or altered.  When you find it necessary to replace a part, use the manufacturer's original replacement parts.  If you mix ignition system components then it is most likely you will be faced with further engine malfunction.

