QuestionQUESTION: I just bought this mower on craigslist in great shape except for a bad diff. I tore it apart and that was defiantly the problem. Before I put the new one back on, is there any other parts I should inspect, might have been damaged by being used to long with a bad diff.
ANSWER: I wouldn't think so, just clean your casing out very good to remove any metal chips or such. Check your drive belt, it's a good time to change it if it's questionable, it might have over worked trying to carry the worn diff and possibly stretched. Nothing else should have been bothered. Any damage should have been contained with in the differential, the rest is merely a belt and linkage. ....Tom
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QUESTION: Thankyou for your quick response. Its chain drivin (not belt) off the diff. if that matters.
ANSWER: Just check of too much chain play, It should have 1/2 to 3/4 when positioned.......Tom
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QUESTION: Thanks again, I have one more 4 you. Could you look @ a diagram of my rear wheels/axle? It looks like it should be fairly easy to remove the wheel from the axle. Not in my case, I removed the nut/bolt and it wont budge. Ive tried everything short of direct heat. Am I going to have to take it to a tire shop? Or am I leaving something out?
AnswerMatt, I looked at the diagram for that model. I just see the single bolt, but their diagram isn't that great. Just make sure in the back of the axle there isn't another bolt, or pin going through the tire rim and axle.......Check out this link for future diagrams for your Toro...Tom For Parts Diagrams
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