Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): kohler 18 hp , problem, grasshopper mower, steering wheel puller
QuestionI just bought a used grasshopper mower with a 18hp kohler. model # th18, spec # 54515. When trying to start it asks like the timing is advanced. When running it has a miss.Good compression, adj valves, cleaned carb, new plugs. I'm thinking timing belt slipped, if you agree how do you reset the belt,or what else. thanks
AnswerHello Bob:
The Plug/s Timing is Set by the Flywheel Key. Some Model Mowers have a Flywheel that has the Key made Into it. You can View a Breakdown of the Engine at this Site Addy; and Select Enter as Guest. Now Select the Thumbnail of the Engine Catalog you Wish to View. The Following is the Instruction File I Made for Removing the Flywheel from Most Mower Engines. It is the Basics and if you have a Question, Please Ask. Any Input to Make this File Better is Appreciated. ***Disconnect the Coil Wire from the Spark Plug. Remove the Blower Housing (metal engine cover). Remove the Flywheel Nut or Starter Cup (Depends on the Model). Now Attach a Steering Wheel Puller to the Flywheel Using the Threaded Holes in the Flywheel. Tighten the Puller. Now Hit the Puller with a Hammer. Repeat this Procedure Until the Flywheel Pops Up or can be Lifted Off the Crankshaft. On Some Models you Can Not Use a Puller and Must Use a Pry Bar and a Pipe Cap that is Slightly Larger than the Crankshaft. Place the Pipe Cap Over the Crankshaft to Protect it. Place the Pry Bar Under the Thick Section of the Flywheel and Pull Up Against the Flywheel. **BE CAREFUL DO NOT PUT A HOLE IN THE BLOCK UNDER THE FLYWHEEL** Now Hit the Pipe Cap that is on the Crankshaft (covered with the Pipe Cap). Repeat the Procedure Until the Flywheel can be Lifted Off the Crankshaft. *** Be Sure you have the Flywheel Torqued to the Proper Torque and Set the Coil Gap to .020in.. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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