Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Troy Built trimmer, crankcase oil, crankcase
QuestionI have a Troy Built Trimmer 4 cycle. It is 1 month old used once. Today I used it again and it wouldn't idle. It started fine but won't idle. Gas is fresh. It is the model that you can interchange the front attachments.
AnswerHello Jason:
Is the Crankcase Oil Contaminated with Gas? If No, then the Carburetor Mixture Screws May Require Tweaking. I have One of these Units and am Constantly having to Perform Carburetor Cleaning on it for Some Unknown Reason. Mine is About 6 Months Old. I Require the OEM (Walbro, Zama, ect) and the Model Numbers Off the Carburetor. With these I can Locate a Breakdown of the Carburetor and Better Assist you. Thanks.
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