Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Blowing Oil, combustion chamber, leak down test
Kohler CV15S
Mr. Tom Adinolfi
I have a JD lt155 with a Kohler Model CV15S Spec 41594, this motor has always burned a little oil but now after it gets hot its starts to smoke and blowing oil out the carb.
I can let it cool fill up the oil and good to go for about 30 min. Any suggestions what might cause this would be appreciated
AnswerJames, in order to give you a more detailed answer without just possible causes, I'd need some details. Have you first taken a compression test? This will confirm the condition of the rings. Just how old is this engine, and the hours on it? With the smoke coming out of the carburetor I would have to suspect bad rings, seems it has "blow by" where the oil passes by the rings from the crankcase and then is burnt in the combustion chamber. As the engine gets warmer, and warmer, the oil also gets hot and becomes thinner aiding in it passing by the rings. I would also have to question the condition of the valves and guides at this point too. But please understand, before I ever make a solid diagnosis I have to pull certain tests, so I am giving you only my best guess based upon the conditions you have described. But I strongly would suspect a rebuild in your near future. To further diagnose, and pin point the exact cause, I'd need results from a compression test, and a cylinder leak down test. Tom