Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Peerless 206-545C transaxle brakes, disc brakes, transaxle
QuestionI'm having a problem with the brakes on my Poulan tractor model number PRK17G42STA. It has a Peerless 206-545C transaxle and after looking at a parts breakdown I see that the brakes are inside the transaxle and look kind of like disc brakes on a car. I'm looking for either a repair manual for the transaxle or someone who could tell me how to go about fixing the brakes. The normal adjustment to the brake rod that is outside the transaxle no longer works. I've adjusted it about 3 times since I've had it but this time the adjustment doesn't make the tractor stop properly and it will roll if on an incline. Calling Electrolux was no help. They say they don't make a tractor repair manual for it. The only thing I could find for Peerless was a parts breakdown of the transaxle but no actual repair manual.
AnswerHello John:
The Brake Pads are NOT INSIDE the 206-206-545C Transaxle. They are Located on the Right Front Side (if you are Sitting on the Mower) of the Transaxle. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Site Addy, and Select the P. Then Select Peerless. Then Select To View Parts List Click Here in the Upper Right of the Page. Then Select the Series Transaxle (206). Then Select the Transaxle File for your Transaxle (206-205-545C). The Brake Pads are #30 in the Breakdown at the Site Addy I Listed Above. The Following is a General Instruction File I Made for this Problem. Readjust the Brake Rods to the Original Positions. Now to Adjust the Brake Pads. Tighten the Center Adjusting Nut Until SNUG. Loosen the Adjuster Nut 1/8 Turn and Try the Brakes. If Braking is Not to your Satisfaction, then Adjust the Center Adjusting Nut on the Disc Brake Assembly Slightly (1/8" at a time) Until the Proper Braking is Achieved. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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