Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh Seal Replacement, flange gasket, feeler gauge
QuestionGood evening. I have a Tecumseh 143.424042 / TVS105-53153J lawnmower engine that I am replacing both the flange gasket (35261) and the bottom oil seal (27897). The Tecumseh manual recommends seal driver 670272 and protector 670292 to install the seal. Do you any recommendation on an alternative or is it advised to bite the bullet and pay 25.00 for both tools to install the seal? Also any tips or suggestions on installing the flange gasket?..saw one post where it said to lightly spray the gasket with spray paint so it will be tacky to stick to flange. Thanks for any input.
AnswerHello Darren:
You Do Not have to Purchase the Tools you Described. Use a Deep Well Socket or Purchase a Piece of PVC Pipe that is Just Smaller than the Outer Diameter than the Seal and About 6" to 8" Long, . Use the PVC Pipe as an Installation Tool. Coat the Seal and the Crankshaft with a Light Coating of Grease before Installation of the Seal. Be Carful when First Starting the Seal and Do Not Roll the Seals Lip the Contacts the Crankshaft. Use a Flat Feeler Gauge or a Pocket Screwdriver to Assist in Starting the Seal Around the Crankshaft. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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