Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Wiring question, starter solenoid, mounting bolt

Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Wiring question, starter solenoid, mounting bolt
Mower Wiring
I am replacing a Tecumseh engine TVXL 195 150236 on an Ariens RM828e mower with a Tecumseh TVM220-157280k engine and I want to wire it correctly.  On the current system, an orange wire and white wire (from Interlock switches - White wire goes only to Seat switch)are connected to one black wire from the engine and a yellow wire from the regulator connects to a red wire on the engine. There are also three wires from the mower grounded to the engine block. The replacement engine has three wires - A green wire to the electronic ignition and this green wire is also grounded to the engine and continues on. Then there are a yellow wire and red wire that go to the Magneto. So, which wires from the engine connect to which wires from the mower?

Hello Albin:

There Should be 1 Wire from the Coil that is a Coil Ground. There Should be a Lead from the Coil that Goes to the Ign Switch and Grounds the Other Side of the Coil and this Stops the Engine by Stopping the Coil from Firing the Plug. Usually the Coil Ground is Attached at the Coil Mounting Bolt. There Should be a Wire that Comes Out from Under the Flywheel and this is a Stator/Charging Wire and is Usually Connected to the Starter Solenoid. Some of these Engines have a Carburetor Solenoid. This is Connected to the Ign Switch and Should have No Voltage when the Switch is in the Off Position. It Should have Voltage when the Ign Switch is in the Run and Start Positions. The Tecumseh Engine Breakdowns Do Not Show Color Codes. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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