Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): FH430V-AS04, carburetor body, air screw
QuestionHi John, thanks for the tips. I ran the gammit on it today. Runs good till its hot, then bogs and blows blue smoke when mowing before recovering. Blows black smoke from idle to full throttle. When just driving it hunkers down like it's supposed on the inclines. I'm assuming the 16014 is the main air screw with cap on it and 92209 is the engine idle? Any suggestions on how to get main nozzle out of carb after removing nut, couldn't get it to come out? Also,what does screw 92009 in control section do and what is the correct setting? Thanks again for all your help it is greatly appreciated!! Matt
AnswerHello Matt:
You can View a Breakdown of the Engine at this Site Addy; and Select View Parts Catalog. This Carburetor has a Preset Main Jet and No Air Mixture Screw for the Main Jet. The 16014 Screw is the Idle Air Mixture Screw. The 92209 is the Idle Set Screw. From your Description it Sounds like the Needle Valve Float is Set too high and Allowing the Carburetor to Flood Slightly and the Extra Gas is Pulled Into the carburetor through the Carburetor Vent. You should Not have to Remove the Main Jet, however if you have to Usually the Main Jet is Screwed Into the Carburetor Body and Once it is Removed the Nozzle can be Pulled from the Carburetor. Have you Checked the Head Gasket/s? If the Head Gasket/s is Blown between the Compression Chamber/Cylinder and the Push Tube Galley, the Problem you Described can Occur. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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