Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): weedeater carb, new spark, needle valve
QuestionOk. I put new gaskets and diaphram in and a new needle valve and the rod and flipper thing that goes on the spring(sorry don't know what you call it) not sure if the screw is supposed to be all the way tight on that. Is it? I can blow through the filter so i reused it. I put in a new spark plug. I put it all back together and it won't start. doesn't seem to be taking any gas down the line. Is it worth getting it fixed or junk it and get a new one.
AnswerHello Michael:
First, Did you Check the Exhaust Port for Blockage. If Yes, then I Require the OEM (Walbro, Zama, ect) and the Model Numbers Off the Carburetor. With these I can Locate a Breakdown of the Carburetor and Better Assist you. We can Use the Breakdown for Reference. Usually if the Engine is Good and the Carburetor Required Cleaning, then the Unit is Worth Fixing. Thanks.
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