Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Homelite chainsaw, homelite chainsaw, clutch tool

John, thank you for your time and service on this site. I hope to be able to do
the same for people one day. My question is about a Homelite 240 chainsaw.
Model # ut-10646. I'm wondering what the trick is to getting off the old
clutch ("S" style) I realize it is a reverse thread but can't seem to break it
loose. I even tried heating it up a bit. My next try is to buy some penetrating
oil and hope it sinks in. Any suggestions?? Getting a good grip on the
(broken) clutch is also a bit tricky. I'm eagerly awaiting your magic. Thank you
again for your time.


Hello Josh:

Thanks for the Good Words and you are Very Welcome for Any Assistance I can Give to you. The Same is True for Everyone I Try to Assist. I am Pleased that I can Assist People and Hopefully Save them some Time and Money. With the Cost of Everything Today, Everyone Needs to Save a Dollar. You can View a Breakdown of this Equipment at this Site Addy; and Select Order Parts. Now Select "Click to Launch Homelite Catalog". Now Enter the Model Numbers (UT-10646) and Click Search. Now Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Now you can View the Breakdowns for this Unit. The Following is a "General"  "Chainsaw Clutch Removal" File. **To Hold the Crankshaft for Removal of the Clutch; Purchase a Bolt that is 3" to 4" Long and has the Same Diameter and Threads as the Spark Plug. Carefully Insert the Bolt Into the Engine Until it Contacts the Piston. If the Bolt is too Short, then Slowly Turn the Engine in the Same Direction you are Going to be Turning the Clutch Until the Piston Contacts the Bolt. Now to Remove the Clutch. If you do Not have the Clutch Tool for an Impact Wrench and are Doing this By Hand (no air compressor and/or not the correct socket), then Use a 2" Wide, Flat Chisel and a Shop Hammer or a 22oz Hammer and Hit the Outer Part of the Thick Ear.** If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.

