Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): briggs and stratton engine wont start, switch jumper, briggs and stratton

Hi, John, thank you again for all of your help so far.  I had to start a new question because I had too many follow-ups - I promise this will be the last one.

This was your last correspondence:

QUESTION: Hi, John, thanks again so much for all of your help so far.    I am sorry I did not include the model number for the mower itself last time.   Here they are:
Model # - 13AM675G062
Serial # - B121B80151
I found the various manuals for the yard machines tractor I have.   
I know you mentioned the safety switches as a possible problem area – would you be able to direct me in terms of what I should do to check or fix these?
I tried hooking up the jumper cables to the positive end of the mower battery and then touched the other positive cable to the starter (or the big bolt on the outside that has a big red wire attached to it).   This caused sparks and did cause the engine to move.     That’s as far as I got.   I assume that the starter is OK and the batter is fine because of this.    You mentioned next checking the solenoid.    Is that inside the starter?   I already changed the carburetor solenoid last week – you aren’t talking about that one, right?   You’re talking about the starter solenoid?    Can the solenoid break that quickly?    Any guidance in this area would be very much appreciated.    

Again, thank you so much for your help.   Hopefully I won't have to ask any more questions and I can get this mower working again.
Answer     Hi Ryan:

**PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHECKING THE SAFETY SWITCHES IS JUST THAT!!! FOR CHECKING ONLY. I NEVER Suggest a Mower be Operated with a Safety Device or Switch Disconnected or Bypassed. Now. On Some Model Mowers you can Simply Unplug the Safety Switch from the Harness. On Other Models you have to Place a Jumper Wire Between the Harness Terminals (on the 4 Post Switch Jumper from Same Color Wire to Same Color Wire). Check the Clutch/Brake and the Blade/PTO Safety Switches First. Check the Seat Safety Last. Usually the Seat Safety is Not in the System for Starting the Engine. Just to Ensure Someone is in the Seat when Engaging the Transaxle and/or Blades.** You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Unit at this Site Addy, and Select the Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM (MTD)  and Enter the Model Numbers (13AM675G062). Then Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Now you can Select the Section of the Unit you Wish to View. The Location can Vary for Each Safety Switch. The Clutch Safety is Usually Located Inside the Frame Under the Gas Tank. The Easiest Way to Locate these Switches is to Follow the Linkage Until you See the Switch. The Deck Safety May be Located on the Cutter Deck or Under the Tank Also. This Unit also has a Reverse Safety. It is Located at the Shift Lever. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Well, I finally did get the safety switches (the clutch and blade engage) out of their holders and tried to start the engine with them out.   Nothing.    I then put paper clips to connect the like-colored wire in each switch – still nothing.   So I am guessing that it is not the safety switch that is causing the problem.    Am I right here?

I have tried testing both the starter and the starter solenoid by connecting the positive cable to the battery and then pressing the other positive cable against both the starter and the solenoid.     When I do this, the starter and engine do move, but not for more than a second.    I have tried hooking the battery up to my car battery and jump-starting it – nothing happens ( I didn’t have the car running however).     When(perhaps stupidly, but the car was not on)  I hooked the jumpers to my car battery and then pressed them against the solenoid or the starter – I can get the engine to crank as long as I need to.     By doing this, I have gotten the engine to start up and run, and it will stay running as long as I don’t get off the seat.    I think this is basically hotwiring the mower.    It also will shut off when I turn the ignition to the off button.   So again, I don’t think it is the solenoid or the starter.  

Based on the tips you’ve given me so far, I am guessing that the problem is:

a)   the battery just needs replaced, even though I had it tested at AutoZone two weeks ago when I replaced the carburetor solenoid and they said it was fine.   Before this most recent problem, it did seem like it was weak, at least to me.   It wasn’t cranking the engine that easy.    If this whole thing was just a battery, I’ll be frustrated but happy at the same time.

b)   the ignition switch is busted – that’s why I get absolutely nothing when I turn the key but I do get the engine moving when I try to “hotwire” it directly.    But then again, I stopped the engine by turning the ignition switch off.  

Interestingly enough, I just mowed my entire lawn, but had to hotwire the engine with the positive battery cable from my car and putting it on the solenoid positive cable to get it started.    I turned the engine off when I was done by simply turning off the ignition.    If nothing else, I know now that I can run it this way and I have no problem doing that – we may be moving sometime this summer and I wouldn’t need a riding mower for our new place, so I don’t want to put too much into a new one.     But it would be nice to fix the problem if I can do so.   

Besides these things, I cannot think of any other possibilities for why it is doing nothing since I did check the safety switches.     Any guidance you can give will be much appreciated, as always.    This will be my last response back to you – your help has been excellent and I want to thank you for it.    You do a tremendous service here through your volunteering.  

Hello Ryan:

No Worries about the Too Many Follow Up Questions. The Site is Set up that Way and it Really Does Not Apply for my Assistance. Even though you had to Start a New "Thread" (thats what the Tech People Call it, LOL), Ask All the Question you Need to Until the Equipment is Running. Now you Said you had the Engine Running and it would Run Unless you Got Off the Seat. First, Check the Safety Switches One at a Time. The Reason the Engine Quit when you Got Off the Seat is the Safety System was Showing the Clutch or Blades were Engaged. The Seat Safety is to Prevent the Unit from Running if you Leave the Seat while the Blades or Clutch are Engaged. If the Clutch or the Blades Show they are Engaged, the Starter System will Not Function. I Still Believe there is a Safety Switch Bad. Starting the Engine the Way you Did also Tells me a Safety Switch is Bad. Thanks for the Good Words. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.

