QuestionI recently acquired a Ryobi gas string trimmer, model7080R sn 10202
I have looked all over the machine and the internet and cannot find the gas/oil mixture ratio, can you help
AnswerHello Arlan:
All Two Stroke Engines will use a 50 to 1 Ratio using Today's Two Stroke Oils. I once used an Old Chainsaw probably from the 1960s, that had a sticker on it that said to use a 25 to 1 Fuel/Oil Ratio, but that would have been using Two Stroke Oils of the Time Period the Chainsaw was Manufactured. In that Chainsaw I used 50 to 1 Ratio with no problems. Today's Two Stroke Oils compared to Yesteryears are more Efficient at Lubricating. It is like comparing Today's Synthetic Motor Oil to Motor Oils of Decades ago. All the Equipment I use in Landscaping, anything from a Weed Eater, Leaf Blower, Chainsaw, Hedge Trimmer, use 40 to 1 ratio, and I use all types of makes and models, Stihl, Homelite, Husqvarna, Shindaiwa, and Echo, Sears. I mix up a 5 Gallon Fuel can and use it in all of the Equipment for my Customers and for my Landscaping. I like my Fuel/Oil Ratio a Little Heavy, so I use a 40:1 Ratio. If this is a New Ryobi, then the OEM Calls for the 50:1 Ratio Mix. If an Older (2000 or Later), then the Ratio can be 50:1 Also, but the OEM Calls for a 32:1 or 40:1 Ratio. The Grounds Maintenance Crews have Started Using 40:1 Ratio in All their 2 Cycle Equipment. I Like a Little Extra Oil for Lubrication Since the Equipment is Being Used Commercially. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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