Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Kohler MV16s-56521 wont start, jumper cable, trickle charger
QuestionI have a Dixon 5422 ZTR with the above mentioned motor. I put stabilizer in the fuel prior to storing for winter and put the trickle charger on the battery to insure a good charge. When I went to turn the key I almost had it started, but now it just sits and makes a humming noise and I don't get a sense the starter is doing its job. Any next troubleshooting steps much appreciated!
AnswerHello Mike:
Does the Engine Turn Freely by Hand? If Yes, then **(with the Spark Plug/s Removed) To Check the Solenoid and Starter, Once you are Sure the Battery is Fully Charged/New, then Use your Jumper Cable Set and Attach the Positive Lead Onto the Positive Post of the Battery (make sure the Battery is Fully Charged or is a New Battery). Now Firmly Touch the Large Post on the Starter. If the Starter Does Not Turn and you can turn the Engine by Hand, then the Starter is Bad. If the Starter Turns the Engine Properly, Then Check the Solenoid. Firmly Touch the Small Post at the Base of the Solenoid that has the Ign Wire Attached to it. If The Starter Does Not Turn and the Solenoid Clicks, Then the Solenoid is Bad.** If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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