Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Deere 445 22 H Liquid cooled Kaw, blown head gasket, push tube
QuestionJohn, I have a 445 tractor that recently suffered a shattered plastic cam gear. My local dealer said they had problems with this and the new part had a steel gear which he recomended I buy and install. I did this and reassembled the engine. It also had one bent pushrod which was replaced.
The engine runs good now, but has grey oil smoke, generally light but heavy when under a load. It is also using oil which it never did before. What elso could have gone wrong when this happened? It almost seems to me that a piston or rings was damaged when the valve train wrecked. My dealer said to make sure the o rings around the oilt filter ports were not left out and they are fine. Any thoughts ?
AnswerHello Kent:
Was the Piston Removed from the Cylinder for Any Reason? Have you Checked for a Blown Head Gasket Between the Push Tube Galley and the Compression Chamber? The Symptoms you Described are Usually Due to a Blow Head Gasket or the Rings Not Seated. Did the Engine Turn a High RPM when the Governor Assembly Shattered? Thanks.
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