QuestionI'm trying to put an ignition switch in a lowes 18/42 lawn tractor (given to me
without switch) I have 5 wires(2 red, 2 black one white).
since nobody has the Lowes brand mower listed etc, I purchased a universal
5 pin switch. the pins are marked B, G, M, S, L
what goes where? (I can track the wires down to this- one red goes to the
positive at the silenoid, the white also goes directly to the silenoid. one black
is a ground. other black appears to go to the magneto.
AnswerHello Andrew:
The Letters on the Ign Switch are as Follows; B = Battery, This will be the Red Wire to the Positive Side of the Solenoid. G = Ground, This is for the Black Ground Wire. S = Solenoid, This is for the White Sire to the Small Post on the Solenoid. M = Magneto, This is for the Black Wire to the Magneto. ** I Suggest you Check and Make Sure the M Lug is Grounded when the Ign is Switch is in the Off Position (with the Ground Wire Atttached to the Switch** On Some Switches the M Lug is Sometimes a Hot Lug.** A Magneto is Grounded ONLY, No Voltage Goes to a Magneto. A Magneto is Grounded to Stop it from Firing the Plug. Last is the L Lug. The L Lug is Usually for the Head Lights. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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