QuestionI was reading your questions and answers on line and need to see if you thought my problem might be a regulator/rectifier and stator.
I have a Sears Model 917.257740 with Kohler engine model CV22S-67515 GT 22 HPV-Twin 6 speed riding lawn mower. The engine starts and runs fine, however, here is my problem:
I pull the PTO button to start the blades turning,
The blades will turn and cut grass for about 15 minutes.
The motor tries to die.
I push the PTO button in and the engine runs fine.
I took off the electronic clutch, cleaned it, lubed it, and put it back on.
I measured the rectifier-regulator DC voltage at about 3600 rpm and only got around 7 VDC.
I turned the headlights on and no increase in voltage occurred at the rectifier-regulator using a multimeter.
I measured the AC voltage across the stator leads and only got 27 volts. No increase when lights turned on.
I checked stator leads resistance, with engine stopped, and got resistence. That should be good right?
I checked stator lead to ground resistance, positive test lead on stator connector and negative test lead on negative side of battery, and got no continuity. That should be good right?
My battery will not stay charged while mowing. So I am assuming the stator is bad and possibly the rectifier-regulator.
Any help would be appreciated.
AnswerHello Ray:
The Stator Check for Briggs and Kohler Engines are the Same. I Say this Because I am Giving you the Site Addy for Checking the Charging System and it is for Briggs Engines. Also, Some of these Engines Had the Wrong Stator from the Factory and the PTO Unit would Cause the Engine to Act as you Described. The Stator Check Addy is; . You can View a Breakdown of the Engine at this Site Addy; and Select Enter as Guest. Now Select the Thumbnail of the Catalog you Wish to View. From this Site you can Determine the Stator that is on your Engine. The 7VDC should be 14VDC. Also, Check the PTO and Make Sure it is Not Drawing More Current than it is Supposed to. If you have an Ohmmeter, Disconnect the Wiring Harness from the Front of the Clutch and Check the Resistance of the Clutch. You should have around 4 or 5 OHMs. If at or near Zero, the Coil has Shorted. If the OHMs are 1, 2, or 3, then the PTO is Drawing too Much Voltage and the Stator Can Not Supply Enough Current to Keep the Battery Charged Enough to Keep the Carburetor Solenoid Open After the PTO has been Engaged for a Short Time. Usually 10 to 15 Minutes. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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