Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): ryobi ss30 weedeater wont stay running, new spark, ryobi ss30
QuestionEric... I have a ryobi ss30 weedeater yellow shaft. and when i crank it and start to weedeat it will run for about 3 min. then act like its not getting enough juice i let it wait for about 2 min and then it all starts over again... I hve good oil/gas mix. new spark, i took off air filter it seemed to run better without... should i put it back on? I also cleaned exhaust screen. it has three stages a-choke b- run and c- full run.. it runs way better in b but it should be in c... when in c it dies as if it is flooding... thanks flipper
AnswerStart by checking the engine compression...should be at least 90 PSI. Next, look for any signs of leaks indicated by oil or dirt collecting near the leak; usually near the lower part of the engine.
How old is the trimmer? Did it run last summer?
Let me know.