Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snapper LT160 Riding Mower Wont Start, snapper mower, starter solenoid
QuestionI recently purchased a Snapper Ride on mower. The previous owner had two wires clipped onto each of the main poles of the starter soleniod to start it. The mower would not start with the key. I have disconnected his wires and purchased a new starter solenoid and it will not even click when turning the key. The solenoid has two large poles and two small poles. I get power to the main pole from the battery, then when you turn the key you get power to the other two smaller poles but the solenoid still wont click / start. I have jumped the safetys under the seat and still nothing. But again, if you jump the two main solenoid poles it starts. Their is a hella relay next to the solenoid. It clicks when you sit down on the seat. But judging by the diagram on the relay it looks like theres two switches inside this relay? Could this relay be the problem? Snapper Mower model LT160h42CBV2. I have cleaned the ignition terminals also.
AnswerIs the relay, part number 2-8570, working? See the schematic here:
Is the fuse good?
The white wire on the solenoid should be ground when starting the mower. The circuit goes through the PTO and brake switch then to ground.
Let me know if this helps.