Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): help in engine identity, tecumseh products co, tecumseh product
QuestionHello there Mr.Bridgers, I don't know if you will be able to help me or not, but all else has failed, so hopefully you are the one with the answers for me. I have an old rear tine rototiller, made by ROTOTILLER INC., TROY N.Y. U.S.A., it is powered by a vertical shaft, air cooled, single cylinder engine. The engine is an all aluminum engine with a wind up recoil starter,instead of a pull cord starter. The engine has an aluminum tag riveted on it that says....LAUSON ENGINE, DIVISION OF TECUMSEH PRODUCTS CO. The model number stamped in the tag is V32A-1-264P, the serial number is 8239374. None of the other specs are visible or legible on the tag for this engine. With this information, can you tell me anything about when it was made, what the horsepower may be, or where I may be able to find parts for this engine. There is a 90 degree aluminum elbow that bolts to the engine with two screws, and the carb bolts to this elbow. The elbow is broken, so I know I need that to start off with. I would like to try to get this old tiller back in shape and running once again.....if I could only find out some much needed information. Any help, or advice you could offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time, God bless you, and take care.
AnswerHello Roger:
This is a Tecumseh Product. It is a Lauson Engine that was a Division of Tecumseh and Eventually became the Tecumseh Engine. You can Locate the Intake Pipe for this Engine. Some of the Tecumseh Engines on the Market Today Use the Same Elbow Carburetor Pipe they Just Use a Different Part Number. The Concern is Locating the Right One. I Did Locate the Part Number (Tecumseh #28552). I Spoke with Tecumseh and the Part was Discontinued 10 Years Ago and they Show No Newer Part Number. I Suggest you Try the Companies on the List at this Site Addy; . These Companies Deal in the Older and Antique Mower Parts and Accessories. I Also Contacted a Few of my Part Suppliers and None of them have the Part Available through the Aftermarket System. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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