Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S engine model # 126402-0206-E1, core charge, cabr
QuestionThe gas flows out the carb and it a new cabr how would fix this. Thanks Andy
Sounds like the float is stuck and shutting the flow off. It could be from a piece of debris or dirt in the needle seat or the seat and needle is not seating correctly. Shut the gas off and then remove the bowl so it can drain.Then check the float to make sure it is seating correctly. The bolt that is attached to the bowl is the main jet be careful of this . Make sure you clean out the parts.If you out this back together and it still leaks. We can get you a rebuild kit for the carb. or a new carb for $37.20 with a core charge of $10.00 if the old carb is not returned.If you send us the old carb we will deduct the core charge.