Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Stihl 009L chainsaw intermittent spark wont run, exhaust port, fuel mix
QuestionHi I've got a stihl 009L chainsaw that I've had for 8 years, and during this time, it hadn't any problems. I ran the saw the other day and it ran wonderfully. However, I tried to use it again two days later and it would not start. I pulled the plug and test pulled numerous times getting spark only fraction of the time. I noticed a very small nick on the plug wire, but does not appear to have cut any of the actual strands of copper and it is not situated such that it would short on the head or any metal, thus I am a bit skeptical that this is the source of my problem. The ignition kill switch contact seems to be connecting/disconnecting properly per visual inspection. Any idea as to what else could be causing this issue? Any help you could offer is sincerely appreciated.
AnswerHello Jeff:
First, Remove the Muffler and Inspect the Exhaust Port for Carbon Blocking the Exhaust Port. Check the Muffler and Spark Arrestor Screen (in the muffler) for Blockage Also. If the Exhaust Port and Muffler are Clear, then Attach a Wire to the Spark Plug Threads and Attach the Other End of the Wire to the Engine Block and Test for Spark. If the Spark is Intermittent, then the Coil May be Bad. If the Spark is Correct, then the Change the In Tank Filter. If the Filter is Good, then the Carburetor Requires Cleaning. What Happens if you Pour a Small Amount of Fuel Mix Into the Carburetor Throat and Try to Start the Engine? If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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