QuestionI have an Exmark Lazer HP w/48" Deck, Model # LHP4819KA, S/N - 197219, 19.0 HP Kawasaki - Model FH601V
I got it with 180 hrs from a divorcing couple and it now has 300 hrs. The mower always started fine and had been running perfect. Within the past mowing season, the engine started to frequently die after about 30 minutes of use (switching valve over to the other tank doesn’t make a difference). If I catch it dying and mess with the choke and throttle it will kind of sputter for a few seconds but I can’t make it recover even though it seems it might. If I let it sit for several (maybe 10 minimum) minutes it starts back up fine and runs perfect again. Then it might sputter out (sometimes as little as a couple of minutes to 20 or 30 or even it just keeps running without any sputtering out). Since this started I have, changed oil and filter, replaced the duel element air filters, cleaned out both saddlle tanks of any sediment and made sure I had a free flow of gasoline to the fuel filter (checked both tanks), replaced fuel filter (made sure direction arrow was heading in right direction), replaced the pulse type fuel pump, replaced the (2) spark plugs (made sure of proper gap), completely removed any possibility of stale gas and filled with fresh fuel in both tanks. None of this has made a difference.
What would you suggest that I do next?
AnswerHello Mike:
Sorry for the Delay. High Winds Downed Trees and my Electric and Phone Service has been on and Off. More Off than On. The Following is a General Instruction File for the Problem you Described. Use the Sections that Pertain to your Engine. **I Usually Suggest you Check the Following in this Order for a Problem like yours. 1- Check the Gas Tank Cap and Ensure it is Venting the Tank. A Vacuum Builds in the Tank and the Gas Flow Stops or Slows to a Point it Shuts Off the Engine. 2- Operate the Equipment Until it Quits (15 to 20min). Then Immediately Check for Fire from the Plug. If the Plug Fires Intermittitly, then Replace the Coil/Ign Module. If the Plug is Firing, then 3- Check the Carburetor Solenoid. If the Carburetor Shut Off Solenoid has Current, then Remove the Carburetor Solenoid and Go to the Hardware Store. Purchase a Bolt of the Same Diameter and Threads. It Needs to be 3/4" Long. Put this Bolt in Place of the Solenoid. If this Corrects the Engine Problem, then Replace the Solenoid. ***NOTE: THIS IS FOR CHECKING THE SOLENOID ONLY I NEVER SUGGEST YOU OPERATE THE ENGINE WITH THE SOLENOID OUT OF THE CARBURETOR EXCEPT FOR TESTING PURPOSES*** Sometimes the Plunger is Moving, Just Not Far Enough to Allow the Gas to Enter the Jets. 4- Depending on the Model Mower, it can Also be the Pickup Tube in the Gas Tank.** I Suggest you Replace the Coil/Ign Module if the Gas Tank Cap is Good. You can View a Breakdown of the Engine at this Site Addy; and Select View Parts Catalog. Select 4 Stroke Engines. Then Select your Model. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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