Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): older tecumseh, jacobsen snowblower, spec numbers

I was given an older model 6 hp Jacobsen snowblower from a neighbor and have no idea how the throttle/gov linkage is to be attatched or if all of the pieces from it were even there. It only runs wide open or at a slow idlewith the parts that it came with one spring one rod. ser# is H6B 75447M SE 8167 C as well as I can read it. Thanks in advance.

Hello Jim:

There are Several Different Throttle Operating Systems on Tecumseh Engines. I Checked the Microfiche and Online and can Not Locate the Model you Sent me. Check the Blower Housing on the Engine (usually above the Spark Plug) for the Engine Model and Spec Numbers, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Thanks.



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