Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): throttle linkages????, carburetor installation, throttle plate
QuestionHello. I'm an automotive mechanic who has just successfullt rebuilt the little 17.5 briggs 31 (I think it's an A) un-fortunately i did not remove it from the mower and have been unablt to figure out the throttle and choke combo control assy. the two linkages match the 31A diagram at the site you duggested to someone else, but the throttle only has about half usable throw, and the choke is a total enigma. I gather that the long strait linkage with the spring arround it is from gov. top to thrttl. on carb but the little spring? and the bent up paper-clip shaped one must have to do with the choke but i'm just S.N.A.F.U. there... any assy. diagrams or pointers would be a great help.
AnswerHello Robert:
LOL. Sorry, I had to LOL. You Question Reminded me of my First Disassembled Engine and the Trials and Errors I Made before I Finally Got the Linkage Proper. The Small Spring Around the Throttle Control Link (the link that attaches the Governor Arm to the Throttle Plate on the Carburetor) Attaches in the Same Hole that the Link is in. This Springs Purpose is to Remove Any Slop from the Governor Arm to the Throttle Plate. Remove the Throttle Cable from the Throttle Bracket and Place it Out of the Way. Use your Hand and Move the Throttle Control on the Bracket Towards the Choke Position. If Notice in the Bracket End Facing the Carburetor at the Bottom there is a Square Hole. When you Move the Throttle Control of the Throttle Control Bracket, it Moves a Lever Behind the Bracket that Comes Down and Can Be Seen Through this Hole. The Lever is the Choke Lever. You Attach the Choke Linkage to the Carburetor and then During the Carburetor Installation Process you Place the Other End of the Choke Linkage into the Square Hole, Making Sure the Choke Lever is Not in the Lowered Position. Once the Carburetor is Installed, when you Move the Throttler Control Bracket Actuator, you Move the Throttle of the Carburetor and the Choke. Install the Throttle Cable with the Cable Set Full Extended from the Shield. Hook the End of the cable Into the Control Bracket Actuator and Set the Actuator to Full Choke and While Holding it there Attach the Shield Clamp. Now the Choke Should Operate with the Throttle Cable. On Some Models, the Throttle Cable is Operated in Reverse. Send me the Model and Type or Spec Numbers Off the Engine, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. The Model Numbers May be Stamped Into the Blower Housing (metal engine cover) Above the Spark Plug. Send me the Model Numbers Off the Mower, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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