Questionmod.# 252412 01 code#80043011. can't get spark. would like to see ingnition wiring diagram & different tests to check points & coil.
any advice & help will be appreciated.
thanks jim
alternator types
Do not assume that armatures are the source of ignition trouble! Many times ignition failure
symptoms can be the result of equipment interlock problems, ignition switch malfunctions, shorted ground
wires, defective or fouled spark plugs, etc. Proper diagnostic procedures, are provided below.
Perform the following diagnostic procedures to determine the source of ignition failures:
1) Connect a Spark Tester between the high-tension lead at one cylinder and a good engine
ground. Observe the spark tester while attempting to start the engine. If there is consistent spark in the tester window, the armature is good. If inconsistent spark
is observed, the additional testing below is required before concluding that an armature needs
2) Connect the tester between the high-tension lead and the sparkplug at one cylinder. Observe the
spark tester while attempting to start the engine. If there is
consistent spark in the tester window, the sparkplug is good. If inconsistent spark is observed, clean
or replace the affected sparkplug(s). If ignition problems continue, proceed to Step 3.
3) Isolate the engine from the equipment by disconnecting the ignition grounding wire at the tab on the
engine stop switch. Repeat the tests in Step 1 and Step 2. If there is consistent spark at the tester,
the problem is equipment related. If there is inconsistent or no spark, proceed to Step 4.
4) Remove the engine blower housing and disconnect the ignition ground wire at the armature body.
Repeat the tests in Step 1 and Step 2. If there is consistent spark at the tester, replace the ground
wire harness. If there is inconsistent or no spark, replace the affected armature(s).