Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Carburetor Rebuild, briggs and stratton, 6 digits

I acquired a lawn mower distributed Whites from before they were bought by MTD.  I believe it was actually made by Electrolyte.  It is from about 1980.  It has a 34" deck with a 10hp Briggs and Stratton engine.  Model number 220707, type 0161.  This entire lawnmower was not running, but after rewiring it and adjusting a few things, I had her purring in no time.  However, I need to rebuild the carb.  I bought a full Stens carb rebuild kit-Stens part number ST520-164, B&S part number 394698- and I expected it to have a parts list that was labeled, explaining what each individual part was.  I was hoping for something to the effect of a basic instructions as to where each part belongs, but alas, there were NO diagrams included. I received nothing but a bag of parts in a box.  I contacted my dealer to see if there was anything I was missing, but with no reply.  So my question comes down to:  What parts would be included?  Where does each go?  And is there a specific order that I should use to replace the parts?  I can do a rebuild, I just want to make sure I have everything EXACTLY right.

Thanks for all your help!


Hello Time:

No Worries. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Site Addy, and Select the Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM and Enter the Model (5 or 6 Digits) and Type Numbers (first 4 digits Only). Example: 220707-0161. Then Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Now you can Select the Section of the Engine you Wish to View. Select the Fuel Tank, Mufflers, Carburetor File. The Breakdown List the Part and Shows where it Goes in the Carburetor. You May have to Enlarge/Zoom the Breakdown. Also, this Carburetor has Air Mixture Adjusting Screws. Us the Following Instructions to Set these Screws After you Clean the Carburetor. ****All the Carburetor Adjustments are the Same for Lawn Mower and Trimmers. There are Several Location for the Air Mixture Screws. The Idle Air Mixture Screws are Usually Located at the Top of the Carburetor Bowl and the Top of the Carburetor Body. If the Main Air and Idle Air Mixture Screws are Side by Side on the Side of the Carburetor, then the Idle Air is the Farthest from the Engine. The Main Jet Air Mixture Screw is Located in the Bottom of the Carburetor Bowl or Beside the Idle Air Screw on the Side of the Carburetor Body. Some of the Older Model Carburetors have the Main Jet Mixture Screw Straight in from the Top of the Carburetor Body (this is Rare anymore). If you have Cleaned the Carburetor (Disassembled and Soaked Overnight in Carburetor Cleaner (I Use Gunk). Then Blow Out the Passages with Compressed Air and Install a New Kit if Required. Now Setting the Air Mixture Screws:  ****Turn the Idle Air and Main Air Mixture Screws In Until SNUG **Do Not Jam** Then Reverse Both Screws 1 1/2 Turns. Holding the Throttle Full Open, Start the Engine. Turn the Main Air Mixture Screw Clockwise Until Proper Revs are Obtained. Occasionally you May have to Turn this Counter Clockwise to Achieve the Proper Revs. Now Allow the Engine to Idle. Set the Engine Idle Screw (Not Idle Air) so the Engine will Stay Running if Required. Now Set the Idle Air Mixture Screw so there is No Hesitation when Throttling from Idle to Full Throttle. Reset the Engine Idle if Required.**** If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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