Question'Runs fine with starting fluid but dies when starting fluid is not continually sprayed into the carb.
I bought a replacement carb, but it is a knock-off without a sediment cup (found out when arrived in mail). I don't have a good felling about using it?
Would I be better off taking the carb apart and cleaning it and replacing the o-rings? ... or should I give this replacement carb a try?
AnswerI'd recommend cleaning the carb. Take digital pictures, mark the throttle linkage connection, and dis-assemble on a clean, non-cluttered table carefully laying out the parts.
Use compressed air from an a compressor and carburetor cleaner to clean all the carb orfices.
Many times you can re-use the o-rings.
The only parts you should have to remove are the air filter assembly and carburetor.
Let me know if this helps.