Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Noma Snowblower, transmission pulley, axle bearings
QuestionQUESTION: I have an older Noma Snowblower from probably early to mid 90's. The problem is the drive chain keeps coming off the sprockets. Seems it is loose but there is no adjustment I know of. Was wondering if I should replace the chain or try adjusting. The model is D2784010 serial number S002058330118 Date code 3345. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Not sure if you have heard of a problem like this. I don't have an owners manual so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot. Thanks for any help
ANSWER: Are there any sprockets in between the the axle and transmission pulley?
Have you tried intalling a new chain or a half-link master link to short the chain?
Let me know.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: There is a sprocket on the axle shaft with the chain that goes to a sprocket on whats called an the intermed sprocket on that same shaft with the intermed sprocket there is another sprocket with a chain going to the hex shaft assembly where the friction disc is attached to. All sprockets look alligned very well. I'm not sure if the axle drive chain tends to stretch over time but mine is loose. I will try taking a link out or using a half link master link. When I had it up in the air last time I noticed the axle shaft and wheels are very loose. I can move it all around. Pretty sure the axle bearings are shot. Originaly I thought they were bushings but the diagram I have from a similar model shows it uses bearings That is why I think there is so much play in the axle. This in return is probably why the chain gets thrown of the sprockets as well as the loose chain. I have a parts list from a murray model 629108x84 whick is newer than mine but very similar to Noma appears Noma was bougth by Murray. Please let me know what you think. Thanks again.
AnswerThe problem with the chain drive systems on older units is that many parts wear causing the chain the slip off. Some part wear is obvious, like your bearings, but other part wear is often minor but the minor wear adds up causing a lot of problems.
You will definitely have to replace all the obvious worn parts before starting on the smaller problems.
Do you live in an area with a lot of snow? How often do you use the blower?
Let me know.