Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): gas powered lawnmover startup problems, gas tank, startup problems
QuestionI read most common answer to this problem is "drain the gas tank"
How do I do it? Do I need to remove the gas tank and how?What about if gas does not pass to carburetor, what shall I do and how?
Ignorant in this subjetc
AnswerHello Joseph:
What is the Reason for Draining the gas Tank? Usually you can Remove the Gas Tank Cap and then the Fuel Line at the Carburetor and Allow the Gas to Flow Into a Container. If Gas is Not Free Flowing to the Carburetor, then the Gas Tank May have Trash Blocking the Outlet Port of the Tank. Send me the Model Numbers Off the Unit, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Can you Explain to me What the Unit is Doing and the Purpose for Draining the Gas Tank? Thanks.
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