Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Briggs Vanguard 20 hp vertical shaft engine, horsepower ratings, vertical shaft

QUESTION: I am interested in mounting the engine on a 30 degree inclined platform. Will the engine tolerate this and if not can anything be done to accommodate this position?
Thank you.

ANSWER: Hello Steve:

It is Not Suggested for Long Term Use Unless the Engine has the Internal Oil Pump. Send me the Model and Type Numbers Off the Engine, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Thanks.



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Mr. Bridgers,
Thank you for your reply. My question is generic in nature. Looking at the Northern Tool web site, I see Vanguard twin vertical shaft engines at 18, 21 and 23 horsepower ratings. Any of these would probably work for me, the 21 horsepower engine model # is 385447-0075 E1.
The project is a hovercraft with a lift fan mounted at 30 degrees. Approximate horsepower required is 20.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Hello Again Steve:

This is a Fairly New Engine and the Specs are Not Listed Online for it Yet. I will Contact my Briggs Rep in the AM and Determine if this Engine has an Internal Oil Pump. I will Follow Up to you then. Also, have you Thought About Using a CV Type Joint (Not a U-Joint) Between the Engine and Fan to Get the Angle you Require? Thanks.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thank you again.
Please excuse my ignorance; if I have misled you, I apologize. When I said “vertical shaft” I am incorrect. The block needs to be vertical; the crankshaft needs to be horizontal. I just want to be clear about that. I just need to know if it is possible to adapt a 20 or so HP engine to a 30 degree mount.
I have not considered a CV joint. I can see where that would be an option, I am interested in simplification and a CV would require additional support.

Hi Steve:

As I Stated in the First E-Mail Answer. You can Mount a 20hp or Larger Engine at 30 Degrees and Use it for Extended Periods of Time if it has an Internal Oil Pump. As for the CV Joint; it would Require 2 Pillow Block Bearings with Housings. One Pillow Block Mounted on Each Side of the CV Joint. I Priced the Bearings and Housings and can Purchase Both Locally for $70.00. As soon as the Briggs Rep Gives me the Information for the 20hp Engine you Sent me the Numbers for, I will Follow Up and Let you know if the Engine you Inquired About has an Internal Oil Pump. Thanks.



Hi Steve:

I Just Spoke with Nathan and was Informed that the Engine you Wanted the Information on Does have the Internal Oil Pump. However, Briggs No Longer Says 30 Degrees Max for the Operation of Their Engines. They Now Suggest No More than a 15 Degree Angle when Mounted for Use. This is Even with an Internal Oil Pump. Hope this Helps. I am Here if you Require More Assistance. Thanks.

Good Luck and Best Wishes

