QuestionI have a JD 318 Engine Model B43G that has not been charging properly for years. The charging idiot light stays on, so I keep the battery charger handy. Light even stays on when I remove the front PTO from the equation by disconnecting the hot wire to PTO (being the PTO is a common problem I am told). I decided once and for all to figure out the problem but I am confused by what I am seeing.
Manual says to remove two wires from stator to regulater and run at full idle. Voltage should be between 28 and 31 VAC. Voltage checks out ok. Next I checked for a short by connecting ohmmeter to each of these wires and ground with engine off. No short was detected. Finally, the manual says to check resistance across these two wires. The spec calls for between 0.3 and 0.5 ohms. I get no resistance (meter reads 1).
Why would I not find resistance across the two stator leads? Does this indicate a problem even though I have good AC voltage?
When I check DC voltage at the regulator I show about 6 volts (should be between 13 to 14.5). Therefore I suspect the regulator, but I am confused about the stator test results. If there is no continuity, why do I get good VAC readings?
AnswerHello Tad:
I Never Do an Resistance Test on a Stator/Alternator. From your Question, I See the Voltage Regulator is Bad. Usually if a Small Engine has a Voltage Regulator that is External, the Regulator will be the Cause for No Charging 99.9% of the Time. If there is No External Regulator, then the Stator has to be Replaced because the Internal Regulator (Diode) has Burnt Out and Not the Stator. I Prefer the External Regulated Charging Systems. As for the Reason for your Readings. I have been Told by the Factory Technical Rep that the Stators Design to Generate AC Voltage and DC Voltage is the Reason for the Resistance Reading. They Can Not Explain in Detail to me Why this is. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.
Good Luck
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