Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Kohler Command CV-25 smoke problem, head gasket problems, kohler command

My 2005 Kohler commend 25 HP engine started smoking this fall, has less than 72 hours, i called the lowes service shop and he thinks it's because i over filled the oil in the engine, tried to explain that it is burning oil (up to 3/4 quart for every 2.5 hours of use, lot's of smoke when start, and engaging blades, service mgr. said it could be clogged oil breather - saw John's note about head rings & head gasket problems, is there any I can do to test what the problem is before I take it to the shop, they will most likely try and pass the failure blame onto me, would be good if I had more insight as to past issues with this engine?


Hello Paul:

Sorry for the Delay. I am on Vacation and Decided to Check the Question Pool. Allow the Engine to Set for a Few Days. Remove the Cylinder Heads. If Oil Runs Out of the Cylinder when the Heads are Removed or is Standing in the Cylinder, then you have a Ring Problem. I Suggest you Contact Kohler @ 800-544-2444. Explain to them your Problem and they Should be Able to Assist. If you Require More Asistance; I will be Off Vacation on the 4th of January 2008. I Hope you had a Happy Holiday Season. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours.

