Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 18 hp briggs@strattonmodel 422447 type405901 code 9211185b, hp briggs, valve clearance
QuestionMotor wouldn't start.Replaced coil,plugs.Ran and started for a day.Installed fuel pump kit and plugs -Started and ran for day.Checked compression (115 both sides)rebuilt
carburator and installed new plugs ran for a day.Tried to start today and couldn't .Could the coil be ruining the plugs?The only thing that seems to work is replacing the plugs?? I am at my wits end.
AnswerWhat brand of plugs are you using? Do you have spark at the spark plugs? Is the carburetor adjusted too rich causing the plugs to foul?
How old is the engine? The compression sounds fine but have the valve clearance ever been checked or adjusted?
Let me know.