QuestionI was not allowed to followup one more time so here is a "new" question. Last time you replied:
Was the Sears Parts Numbers Correct with the Sears Numbers you have? Answer:yes, they match my owner's manual
Is the Industrial Belt you are Purchasing a Green or Blue Color Belt. Answer: Actually they're black (NAPA industrial belts A87 and A88) Does NAPA sell green belts?
If the Deck is Not the One Listed (it is), then the Belts will be Different. Using the Length you have Sent me; you would Most Likely Use 87 X 1/2" and a 89 X 1/2" Belts. Question: This does not match your original statement: 2- The Deck Drive Belt is 90" X 1/2". 3- The Blade Belt is 89" X 1/2".
So, because the NAPA belts are longer than the Sears belts just taken off, I remain confused as to which belts to get exactly.
AnswerHi Again Scott:
Sorry About the Follow Up Question Problem. I Sent you the First Belt Measurements Using the OEM Numbers to Get the Measurements. I Used the Belt Lengths you Sent me for the New Lengths. Actually, I Do NOt Understand how the Belts the OEM Suggest can be Different from what you have on the Mower. If this Mower was in my Shop, I would Use the 90" X 1/2" and the 89" X 1/2 because those are the Cross Referenced Belt Lengths. When you Sent me the Belt Lengths you have on the Mower, it threw me. I have Never had this Problem, Unless ther have Been Changes to the Deck Pulleys. If the Deck Pulley Diameter is Changed to a Smaller Diameter than the Original, then the Belt will be Longer than the OEM Belt Suggested. If a Pulley is Replaced with a Larger Diameter Pulley, then the Belt is Going to be Longer than the OEM Belt Suggested. I Hope this Explains my Answers Better. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck