Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): engine replacement, kohler command, magnum series
QuestionHello John,
I am replacing the 16hp Onan from a 1976 Case 446 hydraulic drive garden tractor. I'm looking at 18hp B&S Vanguard or Kohler Command. Can you give any advice on the comparable reliability, longevity and performance? I'm also wondering about the V-twin style of the Vanguard/Command as compared to the much more expensive Kohler Magnum series - am I likely to over-work the Vanguard or Command if I put them in a Garden tractor?
Any advice or guidance is appreciated!
AnswerHello Rob:
I have All Three Engines you Mentioned on Various Equipment and have Had No Problems to Minor Problems from Any of them. I Use these Engines Every Day for Commercial Lawn Care and Yard Maintenance. You are Not Very Likely to Overwork the Engine on a Garden Tractor as they are Designed for that Purpose. You May have to Wire the Anti-Diesel Solenoid Into the Ign Switch if the New Engine has the Solenoid. The Kohler is More of a Commercial Grade Engine than Briggs, but I Use Both and Get Almost the Same Service Out of Both Briggs and Kohler. I Have No Preference for Engine OEMs. The Engine Designs Today are Such that they All Operate Within the Same Parameters of Each Other. I Used to Prefer Briggs or Kohler. Now Briggs, Kohler, Tecumseh, JD and Onan are All Along the Same Lines when it Comes to the Service and Reliability they Provide. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck
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