Back on 09 October I wrote to you in regard to starting problems with a 4 HP B&S Tiller Serial #D 861387, Model 1002002, Type 0015-01, Code 740 30207 where I need to pour gas into the carb and after a lot of pulling on the starter cord and more gas into the carb I could eventually get it started.
I have performed the steps you stated in your reply, with the exception of removing the bowl, float and float pin as I could not find these items on the pull type choke carb that this machine has? I also replaced the needle valve and set it to the spec you recommend and replaced the pump diaphragm. All of this was to no avail as I still have the same starting problem.
Any other recommendations?
A couple observations that may or may not be of help to you.
1. It will start quicker if I spray some starting fluid into the carb.
2. If I pour some gas directly into the spark plug hole to try and start it that way the gas seems to seep away, could this mean the valves are not seating properly
AnswerHello David:
I Sent the File for the Bowl Style Carburetor Not the Tank Mounted Carburetor. I Appologize for the Mistake. Did you Check the Pickup Tube Screen in the Tank? Sometimes the Screen Becomes Restricted and Causes the Problem you Described. Did you Put the Pump Spring on the Correct Side of the Diaphragm? What is the Compression? If the Compression is Between 80 to 90 PSI, then this can be the Cause of the Problem. Burnt Valves can be the Cause Also. If you are Fairly Sure the Carburetor is Clean, then Reseat (Lap In) the Valves and Reset the Valve Clearances. The Valve CLearances are Set by "LIGHTLY" Grinding the End of the Vlave Stem to the Rquired Clearance. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck
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