QuestionQUESTION: I have replaced the battery, solenoid, and seat switch. When you turn the key to start the mower, nothing happens. I dont believe that the mower is getting any juice. I think the ignition switch or a safety switch/wire may be the problem. It was running last year, I parked it for the winter, and now it hasnt started since Dec of last year.
Try to by pass the starter hook up a wire to the starter solenoid post and see if the mower will crank over, If it does get a new switch,If it doesn't the the solenoid is bad
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: To by pass the I connect a wire from the positive battery post to the starter solenoid post (which side of the solenoid post or does it matter?)?
Yes to by pass the switch you will need to put a wire on one side of the solenoid the one that goes to the battery and then there are 2 small posts on the solenoid put a wire there the one will start or not if not use the other one. Make sure the mower is unengaged brake on in neutral and someone sitting in the seat just like you normally would start it.