QuestionI just bought a used Craftsman (MTD) snowblower 247.888500. The levers
are suppose to lock (push down auger lever, then traction lever and be able
to remove hand from auger to adjust chute, leaving auger engaged). The
auger lever does not stayed locked down. Any easy fix to this? Having to take
off the plastic panel looks to be a major chore. Any way to do this from the
underside of the panel? From the owners/parts manual and looking from the
underside (using a flashlite & mirror) it looks like everything is there.
Any quick easy adjustment without having to remove the panel? Getting the
knobs off the controls to remove the panel would be a chore in itself.
Thank you.
AnswerMost of the locking lever systems require you to engage the auger first, then the drive wheels. The drive wheel lever should lock the auger.
Does the owner's manual mention anything about adjusting the cables or cam lock assembly?
Did Sears assemble the unit?
Let me know.