Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): fuel spits back out of air intake, crankcase oil, float bowl


I have a riding mower with a 17 horsepower tecumseh enduro engine.
The engine ran for 2-5 seconds, then shut down.
When I removed the air filter, gasoline was at the bottom of the intake.
WHen I put a gallon of gas in the tank, all of it leaked out through the intake overnight (I had the mower parked on a 20% slope under my deck.
I checked the fuel line; cut an end off and retightened.
I checked the float bowl and made sure the pin and float and float hinge assembly were seated properly.
Put all back together, and put 1 qt of gas in the tank, and, even though the mower was now level, fuel started becoming visible in the air intake.
I sponged that out, gave the intake a shot of starter fluid, and it started for 2-5 seconds, sputtering gas out of the intake and the exhaust, then died again.  I sponged gas out again, cleaned off the spark plug, and started it again several times, but it stopped each time after several seconds, repeating the above results.  It's pure gas coming out of the intake-no water and no oil.
With the quart of gas in the tank, I disconnected the clamp holding the float bowl in place, and the fuel continued to pour out until the tank was drained (I captured all of this fuel).
I'd appreciate whatever recommendations you can make.

Thank you,


Hello Rich:

Check the Crankcase Oil for Gas Contamination. This is Becoming a Common Problem. The Carburetor Needle Valve is Not Seating Properly and Allowing the Gas to Continue to Flow Into the Carburetor even After the Bowl is Full. 1- Replace the Carburetor Needle Valve. 2- Install a Manual Cut Off Valve in the Gas Line and Turn Off the Gas Flow when the Engine is Not in Use. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck



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