Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Murray Mower, murray mower, x92

QUESTION: Hi John, I have a Murray Rider model 309029. A couple weeks ago, while mowing, the belt popped off. Now comes the problem. I've tried to put it back on around the 3 pulleys (blade drive, idler, engine) and when I do, it's so tight that the mower won't even start. When I take it off the idler and just put it around the blade drive and the engine pulley, it starts, but is too loose to engage the blade. Now I'd assume that the blade would more likely be stretched out, rather than shrunken, but I wanted to ask before I took any steps further. The belt is a 37x111 (I believe). If there is anything else you need in helping me, please let me know. Thanks for all advice/help, I appreciate it. Well look forward to hearing from you soon, thanks.

ANSWER: Hello Kenneth:

From your Description, it Sounds like you have the Belt Routed Improperly. When you Operate the Blade Engagement, is the Idler Arm Moving to Tighten and Loosen the Blade Belt? Did you Make Sure the Belt is Inside the Belt Guards? Is this a 309029 X11 B,C,E or X50 A,B or X51 A,B or X68A or X92 B,C,NA. Go to this Site Addy, and Select Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM (Murray) and Enter the Model Numbers. Then Double Click on your Model in the Results Area. Then Select the Section of the Mower you Wish to View. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 9pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Yes the arm moves to tighten/loosen the belt. It's very difficult to get the belt in the guards (I'm assuming that's the metal pieces around the idler pulley, as well as the bolts on the outside of the "engine" pulley?) but yeah I can get them in there. Once I get it on the belt is so tight, that the spring to disengage the blade, doesn't release. It's an 309029 x92 ...not sure if it's B,C, or NA...but from what I can see the belt diagram pretty much looks the same though. Thanks for your help :)

Hello Again Kenneth:

Yes the Description you Gave is of the Belt Guards. Unless this is the Wrong Belt, (this happens, they put the Belt Into the Package Sleeve), the belt is Routed Wrong or a Deck Lift Component is Bent, then there is No Reason for the Belt to be Tight. Check the Belt Wnd Ensure it is the Proper Belt. Check for Bent Lift Linkage. Is the Rear Deck Arm Bent? Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

