QuestionI have just purchased a home with a small front and small back yard (well under 1,000 square feet each). I'm thinking of purchasing an electric lawn mower, especially one that has a handle that flips in order to more easily keep the cord out of the way. I have two related questions:
1. What do you think of electric mowers in general? I've heard a few say that their electric mower's motor burned out after some use. I know for a large lawn and one where the grass becomes too long, an electric mower isn't as good as a gasoline mower, but for a lawn this size, if I didn't let the grass grow too long, and if I purchased one of the models with higher amps would an electric mower work well?
2. I've been considering the Black and Decker 12 amp 18" cut Model MM675. Do you have any comments regarding the Black and Decker company's lawn mowers in general and the MM675 in particular?
Thanks very much for taking the time to respond to my questions. I'm grateful to be able to ask someone with your expertise and experience with such a wide range of models and isn't selling a particular brand.
AnswerHello Ed:
The Key to a Good Electric Mower is the Electric Motor. As you Stated, the AMP Rating of the Motor is Important. As with Any Mower or Trimmer, it is Only as Good as the Motor/Engine that Operates it. The Lawnhog has a 12Amp Motor, Performs Well and Usually Gives Good Service if the Yard is Maintained Properly. The Few B&D Mowers I have Seen and Worked on are Usually Damaged by the Owner Not Properly Maintaining Their Yard and have Overworked the Electric Motor. The Most Common Problem is the Bushings and Brushes in the Motor Wearing Out. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck
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