QuestionQUESTION: Hi John. I had a problem in the spring that you successfully helped me out on now I'm hoping to go 2 for 2. :)
I inherited mower with a B&S Model 92502, Type 0970-01, Code 78012601. It has a suction type carburetor. This did not run when I got it so i cleaned out the gas tank, soaked the carb in carb cleaner, gassed it up and it would not even try and fire.
i checked for spark and at first did not get a consistent spark but i cleaned the plug wire contact, cleaned the electrode set the gap to .025 and now it sparks just fine.
I added ether through the carburetor and still nothing. I removed the plug and added ether directly to the chamber and nothing but a wet plug. (Oh, i noticed at one point moisture, probably gas, coming from the exhaust). I thought perhaps it might be shorting itself out so i removed the kill switch and the ground wire is not touching anything. The mower appears to have compression (i tested precisely by placing my finger over the spark plug hole while pulling the the starter rope). Im stumped. Am I missing something obvious? I cant believe ive got spark and either and no explosion in the chamber. Thanks for your help.
ANSWER: Hi Again Rick:
Have you Checked the Flywheel Key? The Flywheel Key Times the Plug to Fire at the Proper Time in the Compression Stroke. If the Key is Damaged, then the Plug Fires at the Wrong Time and the Engine will Not Run. You will have Compression, Fire and Gas, but the Engine Will Refuse to Fire and Run Due to a Damaged Flywheel Key. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Site Addy, and Select the Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM and Enter the Model and Type Numbers (92502-0970). Then Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Now you can Select the Section of the Engine you Wish to View. This Engine has a Point Set Under the Flywheel to Fire the Plug. If the Plug Ever Fails to Fire, Change the Point Set. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck
PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 9pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi John, Thanks for the information and the tip on when to post my question. :)
The flywheel key was in place and in good shape(looked like new). The flywheel keys purpose is to keep the fly wheel aligned correct? I also removed the head just to check the valves and make sure they were not stuck.
When I put it all back together, i did not get spark anymore.
I guess the only thing left to do is replace the point set and hope for the best. The parts catalog references 2 different options. 1. Breaker points and condensor set 2. Ingition kit (includs point set, plunger, and key-flywheel)
are teh breaker points in option 1 the same as teh point set in option 2? your thoughts are appreciated.
ANSWER: Hi Rick:
The Difference is the Components Offered in the #2 Option Kit. The #1 Option is Just the Point Set. The #2 Option is a Complete Point Set Replacement Kit. It Includes the Point Set (a Point Set consists of the Condensor, Spring Arm Contact and Spring Arm Spring), the Point Set Plunger, and the Flywheel Key (in case the Old One is Damaged when you Remove the Flywheel). The Point Set is the Same in Each Option. Look Into the Replacement Ignition Module by Rotary Corp Rotary # 8786). It Usually Costs 14.99 to 15.99us and will be Less Trouble than the Point Set. The Flywheel Does Not have to be Removed and the Old Point Set can Stay in Place and Are Not Used. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi John, Hope you had a good weekend! Im more stumped on this then when I started. Note as i explain what steps ive taken so far, that i did have spark at one point before I started taking the mower apart but now ive got none. Ive also tried using a spark plug from antoher piece of equipment that i know works. I placed a voltmeter on the plug lead from the magneto and the volt meter definitely moves when im pulling the starter cord but i cant get any spark. Ok, here is the summary: I installed a new point set (didnt get your email before i ordered that so i used an oem replacement set) that included the plunger and flywheel key (even thought the current key is fine). John, I also pulled the head and inspected the valves, they are opening and closing fine. I inspected the wires from the condenser to the magneto and the kill switch and they look fine. This has turned into a matter of pride now but its beating me! any ideas?
AnswerHi Rick:
Did you Buff the Contacts of the Point Set with a Lint Free Cloth Before you Installed them. If Not, then there May be a Coating on the Contacts that is Not Allowing the Contacts to Actually Contact Properly. If the Point Set Contacts are Clean, then the Coil May be Bad. For a Coil on an Engine with Point Sets is Rare but it Happens. Check the Point Set Contacts and Make Sure they are Clean. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck