Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Scotts Mower, switch jumper, jumper wire

I have a Scotts mower with a 25 HP Kohler motor. I hit something solid while cutting the grass and the mower stopped. Now the engine won't turn over. I'm hoping I didn't tear up the motor but since the blades are connected to the shaft by belts, I don't see how I could have. This has the PTO knob to start the blades and it almost seems like it thinks the knob is out which won't let the motor start. What else can I look for?

Hello Alan:

Check the Safety Switches. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHECKING THE SAFETY SWITCHES IS JUST THAT!!! FOR CHECKING ONLY. I NEVER Suggest a Mower be Operated with a Safety Device or Switch Disconnected or Bypassed. Now. On Some Model Mowers you can Simply Unplug the Safety Switch from the Harness. On Other Models you have to Place a Jumper Wire Between the Harness Terminals (on the 4 Post Switch Jumper from Same Color Wire to Same Color Wire). Check the Clutch/Break and the Blade/PTO Safety Switches First. Check the Seat Safety Last. Usually the Seat Safety is Not in the System for Starting the Engine. Just to Ensure Someone is in the Seat when Engaging the Transaxle and/or Blades. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

