QuestionI recently did some repairs on a White Outdoor GT2150. I replaced the PTO clutch, installed new plugs, a new solenoid and changed oil/filter and gas filter. Afterward, I test drove it on a cool evening. It ran great while I mowed my lawn. I did not however remember to fill it completely with oil, as I couldn't read the dip stick after putting in about half a quart. A couple of days later, I ran it again, forgetting again to check the oil. I was rolling the lawn with it and it sounded like a clunk and it started running rough. There is also a rattling noise coming from under the mower that was not there before (but not inside the engine.) I remembered the oil and filled it up. Soon after it began to stall on me after a few minutes of driving. It would start right up again, but then stall out a couple minutes later.
I tried it the next day and it ran rough, the rattling continuing but it didn't stall out. It was cooler, and there was no roller to tax the engine.
Any ideas on what might cause this?
AnswerHello Bob:
Have you Located the Noise yet? Send me the Model and Type Numbers Off the Engine, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Send me the Model Numbers Off the Mower, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Thanks.
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