QuestionQUESTION: I have a Yard Machine shift-on-the-go mower, 42" deck, 16.5 hp B&S. It's a model 660/670 (not sure which). While mowing the other day, it stopped moving and began smoking. Blades were still turning and the engine was still running. I shut it off immediately. I checked the drive belts and replaced them as the rear had a chunk out of it and the front one looked bad where the engine pulley was scorching it. After replacing the belts, the mower wouldn't move in 1st gear. I had to move it up to 4 before it would go. Down shifting worked O.K. and the mower kept going, so I tried mowing. I stopped, engaged the blades and tried to start. Again, I had to start in 4. Got about 20 feet before the smoking started again. I checked the pulleys and all seem to move freely. I've looked underneath, but nothing seemed to be missing/broken. Short of taking it in to the shop, I'm at a loss. Thanks.
ANSWER: Hello Lane:
These are the Series Model Numbers. The Mower Model Numbers are Under the Seat on the Frame or on the Seat. Send me the Model Numbers Off the Mower, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manual and Better Assist you. Thanks.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The model is 13AF675G062. I forgot to mention earlier that the transmission seems to work fine. It will go into forward or reverse and it will roll freely in neutral.
AnswerHello Again Lane:
From your Description, it Sounds Like the Varailable Speed Pulley May need to be CLeaned and Lubricated or the Drive Belts have Stretched. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Mower at this Site Addy, and Select the Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM (MTD) and Enter the Model Numbers 13AF675G062. Then Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Now you can Select the Section of the Mower you Wish to View. Check the Varailable Speed Pluuey Center Sheave and Ensure it is Moving Freely. Replace the Belts. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck