Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): How to change tire without removing rim, mtd riding lawn mower, motorcycle tires
QuestionI've removed the old tire on my MTD riding lawn mower. The new tire is tubeless and I managed to put it back onto the rim but I do not know how to stretch the bead onto the rim. Is there a tool such as a tire rimmer to do this job? Or is there a way to remove the rim?
AnswerSoapy water for lubricant and tire irons. Usually the firt have goes on easy but the second have is difficult.
Have you checked the internet for "changing motorcycle tires"? It's the same principal but just a smaller tire.
One tip I do have it to install the first bead, the start the second bead. As you try to get the tire on the rim, the first bead or bottom of the tire will push down on opposite. You want to keep the first bead close to the center of the rim which is a smaller diameter than the outer part of the rim. No one told me this but once I figured it out it makes putting the tire on much eaiser.
Let me know if this helps.