QuestionI have an old sears gas edger Model# 536-85650 with a 3.5 hp engine. I can't get it to run. if I spray sarting fluid in the carb it will run for about three seconds and stall. I have spark.
Here are some trouble shooting ideas.
Problem: Engine will not start or is hard to start.
Possible causes:
Fuel tank is empty or shutoff valve is closed, or fuel line or fuel tank cap vent is clogged.
There is water in the fuel.
Carburetor is overchoked.
Carburetor is improperly adjusted or needs service.
Ignition system or its wiring is defective or ignition switch is off.
Deadman or other cutoff switch is open or defective.
Spark plug is fouled, improperly gapped, or damaged.
Engine compression is poor.
Once you have exhausted these obvious problems, determine if gas is reaching the cylinder as follows: Perform the normal starting sequence and then, assuming it shows no signs of wanting to start, immediately remove the spark plug. If fuel is reaching the cylinder, the spark plug should be damp with gas and there should be a very distinct odor of gas from the spark plug hole. If there is none, then there could still be a blockage in the fuel line or the carburetor may need cleaning.