Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Sears bushwacker, bush wacker, push mowers

My father is looking for a part for a sears bushwacker mdl. # 636.796232 he said it is called a filter silencer part # eco3-03388 the bush wacker is about 20 years old. the sears parts dept told him they could not get the part.
thanks for any help.

Hello John:

I Have Searched the Antique Lawn Equipment Sites and as of Yet have Located Any Sites that Carry Trimmer Parts. Most People Collected the Rider and Push Mowers and Some Stock Used Parts from them. Trimmers have Always Been a Disposiable Item Because they are Inexpensive to Replace. Sorry I was Unable to Assist you. Till Next Time. May All Your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks for Using All Experts.

Best Wishes and Good Luck

